1. Cadcam Lab
  2. Fluid Lab
  3. Material Lab
  4. Metrology Lab
  5. Static and Dynamic Lab
  6. Workshop
  1. Concrete Lab 
  2. Environmental and Waste Water Lab
  3. Highway and Traffic Lab
  4. Hydraulic Lab
  5. Light Structure Lab
  6. Soil and Geotechnic Lab
  7. Survey Lab 
  1. Electrical Power Lab 
  2. Automation * Control Lab
  3. Communication System Lab
  4. Electrical Machines Lab
  5. Integrated Circuit Design Lab 
  6. Analog & Circuit Lab 
  7. Digital System Lab 
  8. High Voltage Lab 
  1. Food Analysis Lab
  2. Food Microbiology Lab 
  3. Food Packaging Lab
  4. Food Processing Lab
  5. Food Sensory Lab