(For staff email address, please add @uts.edu.my after email name)

Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Dayang Siti Hazimmah
Position: Dean and Associate Professor
Extension: 543
Email: siti.hazimmah
Qualifications: PhD. Civil Engineering in Construction Materials (UMP), MSc. in Materials Engineering (USM), B. Eng. in Materials Engineering (USM)

Ts. Dr. Samat bin Iderus
Position: Deputy Dean and Senior Lecturer
Extension: 508
Email: samat.iderus
Qualifications: PhD in Engineering (UTS), Master of Electrical Engineering (UTHM), Bachelor in Electrical Engineering (Honours) (UTHM).

Mah Hoe Tiang
Position: Deputy Dean(Mukah Campus) and Lecturer
Extension: 618
Email: htmah
Qualifications: Master of Mechanical Engineering (INSA De Lyon), Mechanical Engineering Technical Diploma (DUT)

Dr. Sebastian Dayou
Position: Head of Programme for Mechanical Engineering and Senior Lecturer
Extension: 503
Email: sebastian
Qualifications: PhD in Nanoscience and Technology (USM), MEng in Mechanical Engineering (USM), B. Eng. in Mechanical-Materials (UTM)

Dr. Mastura binti Bujang
Position: Head of programme for Civil Engineering and Senior Lecturer
Extension: 510
Email: mastura.bujang
Qualifications: PhD Civil Engineering in Highway & Transportation (UTM) , Bachelor in Civil Engineering (UTM)

Ts. Nuramalina binti Bohari
Position: Head of programme for Electrical Engineering and Lecturer
Extension: 504
Email: nuramalina
Qualifications: Master of Engineering in Electronics (UNIMAS), Bachelor of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (UNIMAS)

Ts. Dr. Abdul Fattah bin Ab. Razak
Position: Head of Programme for Food Technology and Senior Lecturer
Extension: 507
Email: abdul.fattah
Qualifications: Doctor of Philosophy in Applies Sciences (UTS), Master of Process Safety and Loss Prevention (UPM), Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (Hons) Food Technology (UniKL)

Dr. Zalikha binti Raman
Position: Head of Programme for Occupational Safety and Health and Senior Lecturer
Extension: 536
Email: zalikha
Qualifications: Degree in Medicine (IM Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Rusia), Master of Science, Safety and Environment (UTM)

Dr. Irina Wong Ming Ming
Position: SET postgraduate programmes coordinator and Lecturer
Extension: 471
Email: dririna
Qualifications: PhD in Manufacturing Engineering (UNIMAP) , B. Eng in Mechanical Eng.(UNIMAP)

Amira Farhana binti Mohamad Tar
Position: FYP coordinator and Lecturer
Extension: 555
Email: amirafarhana
Qualifications: Master of Science in Manufacturing Engineering (UTeM)

Tiong Tung Chuan
Position: Industrial Training coordinator and Senior Lecturer
Extension: 532
Email: tiongtungchuan
Qualifications: MSc. Electronics (Queen Uni. Belfast), Adv. Dip. in Technology (TARC), Dip. Technology, Electronic Engineering (TARC)

Dayang Noor Azie binti Abang Zainal Abidin
Position: SET marketing & event coordinator and Lecturer
Extension: 572
Email: dygnazie
Qualifications: Master of Process Safety and Loss Prevention (UPM), B.Sc in Chemical Engineering and Energy Sustainability (UNIMAS)

Mohd Azimie bin Ahmad
Position: SET Safety and Health Coordinator and Lecturer
Extension: TBC
Email: azimie@uts.edu.my
Qualifications: Master of Engineering (Bioprocess Engineering) (UMP), Bachelor Degree of Chemical Engineering Technology with Hons. (Biotechnology) (UMP), Competency in Major Hazard (HQ/19/MH/00/00013), OSH Coordinator (PK/21/OSHC/02/00522), Safety and Health officer Trained Person (Passed All Paper 1, 2, 3 & 4)

Mohamad Saiful bin Sulaiman
Position: E-learning coordinator and Senior Lecturer
Extension: 569
Email: saiful.sulaiman
Qualifications: Degree of Applied Science in Bio Composite Technology, UiTM, Master of Science in Natural Resources Management, University Malaysia Kelantan